Radical Transformational Leadership
by Monica Sharma

Radical Transformational Leadership describes how we can generate equitable and enduring results using a unique response model based on extensive application world-wide in many sectors, themes and topics –the conscious full-spectrum response model. This model is designed for sourcing our inner capacities and wisdom to manifest change that embodies universal values of dignity, compassion and fairness, and simultaneously transform unworkable systems and norms in order to solve problems.

The book deconstructs fallacies that societies continue to promote related to self and the world around us, that leads to complacency and non-action. This book will not be useful for those who are satisfied with the world as it is today. This book is for people who have questions. It encourages us to question the status quo, ask relevant questions and generate insights that will generate prosperity, and establish equity and dignity.

Monica Sharma draws on more than thirty years of working for the United Nations and beyond to present a radical new approach to transformational leadership, one that creates systems of change where everyone can engage–not just analysts, policy makers, educators and business leaders. Demonstrating that we all can be architects of a new humanity, Monica Sharma demystifies policy-making, planning, and implementation so that everyone can play an informed and strategic part in eradicating the world’s most intractable problems. Using real life examples from around the world, she shows how our innate human attributes of universal compassion, our equity impulse, and human capability can create new patterns that: first, effectively address major challenges such as gross inequality, unbridled hate, conflicts based on social identity, and the ‘never-enough mind-set ‘; and second, realize our full potential to manifest universal prosperity. Written in a straight-forward, accessible style, this book outlines a path-breaking paradigm shift that is already generating equitable and sustainable results across the globe.

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Nature and Humanity as Source of Life, Living and Everyday Transformation
by Kirsten Gallo

People are intimately tied to our natural environment. Our bodies are composed of water, we need clean air to breathe, and we need healthy and fertile soils to produce nutritious foods. Beyond that, nature has always been a source of inspiration and beauty for me. It shows me how to live. When I’m struggling with a situation in my life, I look at a river with its rapids followed by smooth glides and see that ‘this too shall pass.’ When I need a reminder of the abundance of life, I look at fruit trees generously bearing fruit to nourish us all. Flowers model courage with their fragile faces turned towards the sun. When we open our eyes to it, nature becomes our teacher. It’s no surprise then that I chose a career as a biologist and committed my life to the study and savoring of life.

Like most of us, I hold a deep desire to leave a legacy. I want to know my life and my work made a difference, even by the smallest measure. Yet for the longest time, life meant searching for meaning rather than experiencing it. Although I was, and will forever be, committed to living in a way that benefits Earth and all her inhabitants, I was unable to express that commitment tangibly. I thought making a difference meant leading an amazing new initiative and that I needed a particular title or position to do so. Further, as an employee of the National Park Service (NPS)—a bureau of the United States government and one of the largest bureaucracies in the world—I had little hope I could affect any kind of change through my work. The ‘system’ seemed too strong, too entrenched, too bound by red tape. Filled with frustration, I fell into a trap of feeling that each day was the same as the last and I had no hope that tomorrow would be any different.

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