Money and finance inform and influence all other human activities (personal and social). The Conscious Full-Spectrum Finance Institute is dedicated to changing the paradigm for finance using RTL tools and templates to imbue the foundation of finance with dignity and equity for all.

Radical Transformational Leadership (RTL)—a collection of tools and templates for transforming systems and cultures—helps us generate enduring results that serve humanity and our environment. Our results endure because we shift systems and mindsets that maintain the status quo as we manifest the greatness each one of us has within us. Our systems and structures are a product of how they were designed. RTL practitioners design to manifest universal values of Dignity, Equity, and Integrity as we create systems and cultures that benefit all.


A conscious full-spectrum approach to deliver results, while shifting the systems and cultural beliefs that maintain the status quo and manifest our full potential as human beings. We create and grow the wealth of all investors and build the resilience of human and environmental communities. We shift the mindsets of investors from that of pure profit to investment as a force for social and environmental justice as we stand for dignity, equity, and compassion.


Enduring social and environmental change

Debt-free world

Access and equity for capital and inclusion

End corruption, bring transparency and accountability